

Providing Compassionate, Collaborative, Comprehensive Care.

We Are Here To Provide You With Compassionate, Collaborative, and Comprehensive Care

Give Us A Call
Let's Get To Know You
We'll Collaborate On Your Unique Care Plan

At Our Place Adolescent and Young Adult Health, we believe you should be seen, heard, and valued.

We are committed to expanding access to compassionate, person-centered care. By collaborating across disciplines to provide comprehensive, individualized solutions, we are setting the standard in healthcare for young people. We plan to broaden our educational offerings for medical providers, patients, and families alike to increase the understanding of complex health issues in our community. As we continue our work with ADHD, eating disorders, and other challenges young people face, we also plan to offer a broader range of support groups to foster community among our patient population. Over time, we hope to become not only a sought after practice in Fort Worth, but a go-to place for referrals throughout the entire state of Texas and beyond.

Medical Services
Mental Health Services
Nutrition Services
Additional Services

We Offer A Vast Range Of Care

When You Walk Through Our Doors…

You’ll be met with friendly faces and soothing purple walls. We prioritize your child’s wellbeing, give you our undivided attention, and genuinely want to hear your story. We want to get to the root of your concerns and discover the best path forward, because your child is a uniquely exceptional human who deserves a team dedicated to supporting them on their journey.

What My Clients are Saying

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